Global Experience
Here is a collection of some of my global experiences
Study Abroad in Taiwan
I studied abroad in Taipei, Taiwan during the of Summer 2023 with CET in order to further my Chinese language study and to internationalize my life experiences. Prior to my study abroad in Taiwan, I had never left the country, so it was a completely exhilarating and eye-opening experience. Alongside my language learning, I was fortunate to be able to live with locals and travel to many locations in the country. I loved trying new foods and encountering new cultures. One of my favorite memories was in traveling to Kaoshiung during the Dragon Boat Festival and learning about the Japanese occupation in Taiwan as well as coming across some of the best Hispanic food I have ever eaten. My biggest struggle was saying goodbye to the city I lived in for three months. In my time there, I discovered that I want to settle down in a city exactly like Taipei, Taiwan.​​​​​​

Conversation Partner
Role Title
During my last two years at the University of Florida I discovered the volunteer opportunity available to me in the form of becoming a conversation partner. UF has one of the highest-ranked English Language Institutes and playing a role in the students' language learning has created amazing memories for me. During my time in Taiwan, I received a conversation partner to help with my Chinese learning, and I gained a new perspective that has helped me to become a better partner at UF. I have made lifelong friends being a conversation partner and I have continued to help my previous partners practice English after they have gone back home.

CASA Dance
Starting during my sophomore year after COVID started to decline, university organizations were able to restart large shows and I became interested in dancing for the Chinese American Student Association (CASA) as well as occasionally joining other groups. In those years, I performed at 7 different shows and learned 20+ modern and traditional dances. I learned much about Chinese and Chinese-American culture during my time with this organization and I got to enjoy learning traditional Chinese dances with long fans, umbrellas, and watersleeves. I met so many amazing people from various backgrounds that I spent a lot of time with while preparing for the shows. This is also where I learned about other traditional dances that I was not a part of, such as lions and dragons.

International Coursework
During my time at university, I have taken a variety of international coursework. I have incorporated my knowledge from these international courses into other courses I have taken by recalling specific case studies and histories. I hope to take what I have learned and internationalize my career by working in fields that look for candidates who have taken the time to become globalized. One of the most interesting things I learned in my international coursework was the history and current events of Islam in Asia. I think learning about its prevalence shifted my perspectives on the region, especially regarding different ethnic groups. This has come to influence how I write and research material in my other courses as I can take in the precarious political and cultural balance going on in the region.

Senior Research Thesis
For my senior research thesis, I researched the evolution of feelings toward immigration in homogenous societies facing low birth rates and increased diversity, specifically in the case of South Korea. I became very fond of this paper as I was developing it and my intrigue about the subject matter grew. I also presented this thesis and was proud of my efforts. I did not have much experience doing formal research prior to this paper so I struggled to overcome the difficulties involved with doing as such. I found that, South Korea, in particular, is at a crossroads of decision-making, and that the current policy being implemented will determine the direction that the country, the government and the people, take toward acceptance of immigration.